Monday, July 27, 2009

Our Little Spinner

We don't swaddle Elle any more when we put her to sleep. One night I decided that I wasn't going to swaddle her, and she slept for 12 hours. That ended the swaddling pronto! We just lay her in her crib and she falls asleep.

If you remember the post "Our little Houdini" I wrote about how Elle came out of her swaddle, off the sleep positioner and ended up perpendicular to the sleep positioner.

Well, this morning I woke up to this:

The ends of the crib are to the left and right in this picture. She just decided she wanted to spin around I guess!! I'm hoping she doesn't keep this up as it might rub off the little bit of hair she has on the back of her head, excentuating her male patterned baldness.


  1. "excentuating her male patterned baldness" HAHAHA. Earmuffs Elle, your mama's being mean!!!

  2. Kaden totally did this all the time he would almost scoot to one and then the other....It totally funny.

  3. That's awesome! Camden definitely got a bald spot from his spinning.
