Thursday, July 30, 2009

Oh Cabbage...How I love thee!

Yes, I like a good cabbage roll, cabbage in soup, even steamed cabbage with some butter can be a tasty side dish. I never thought I'd be putting cabbage in MY BRA!

Some women say breastfeeding is the best thing in the world! While I agree, and at times it is such an amazing bonding experience, sometimes it is not so fun.

Like when I get plugged ducts...once a week!!

I finally could not take it anymore. I called the lactation nurse to get some advice.

Cabbage is what she told me.

Yep, cabbage. Go ahead, just call me cabbage boob!

When I have a plugged duct after feeding I have to put cabbage in my bra with an ice pack. I guess it is supposed to dry you up.

I've done it twice now; it's a little stinky but seems to do the job!!

Oh I love thee!


  1. cabbage...."or you could just find another baby to nurse!" hahaha great advice.

  2. want me to bring Titus over?
